Buying tires can be intimidating but with a little knowledge, you can be confident in your automotive investment.
One of the common ways people get taken advantage of when purchasing tires is they get sold old tires under the impression they’re new when in reality the tires were manufactured many many years ago and just haven’t been driven on. Just because the tire tread looks new doesn’t mean the tire is at it’s best.
The industry’s standard timeline for new tire shelf life is less than three years from the tire’s manufacturing date to installation. Old tires are dangerous, regardless of tread depth. While there’s no federally sanctioned safety guidance on when a tire is too old to be safe, many carmakers recommend replacement at six years from the date of manufacture.
If you’d ever like to check the date of any car tires just check the tire location highlighted in the photos above.
Here we only sell brand new fresh tires, covered by their respective manufacturers warranties.